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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Seed 22: Healthy Yards, Healthy Lives

We need food, we need air, we need water. Generally speaking we need all of these things to be clean and free of toxins. We share these needs with the rest of the creatures on this planet. These common needs of all earthlings are best served when the world around us is balanced. For example, If the microbes in the ground are fed nutrients in the form of a cow pie, then the microbes in the ground help the roots of the grass take up water and nutrients, and the grass can grow up tall to feed the cows. The cycle starts all over when the cow lifts her tail to waive goodbye to the grass she has digested.

Now, if for some horrible reason the ground is treated with chemicals such as fertilizer or pesticide then the microbes in the ground will be killed off to a degree that the grass will now not be able to grow without the assistance of the chemical fertilizers. Instead of being dependant on easy to produce cow pies, the food cycle on the planet becomes dependant on environmentally and economically costly products. This is one tiny example of imbalance in a world full of similar circumstances.

We need only look around us to see the world out of balance. We can see the air we breathe, as it’s laden with chemicals. We can taste bleach and metal in the water we drink. Our rivers and lakes are overgrown with invasive species and toxic run off. Our food travels thousands of miles in petroleum burning vehicles only to arrive to our dinner tables laced with carcinogens and bacterial diseases. These problems are only a drop of water next to the ocean of trouble this planet is facing. Enough Is Enough! It’s time we clean up our act!

In a time of need like this the world has only one place to turn. Gardeners, I’m talking to you! It’s time we put our heads and hearts together to keep this planet from self-destructing. Giving Tree Gardens is happy to announce that we’ve come up with a plan to guide brave gardeners everywhere in their heroic efforts. Our plan is strong in that it’s simple and ready to be adapted to the creativity, lives, and yards of anyone willing to pick up a shovel and work toward a better, healthier day.

In this special edition of The Seed, Giving Tree Gardens is proud to announce the launch of our new free educational program:
Healthy Yards, Healthy Lives, 7 Steps for Growing Personal and Global Health in Your Own Back Yard!

Click Here for the complete version of this issue of The Seed

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