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Friday, April 30, 2010

In Love With The Garden

It’s so easy to fall in love with a garden.
Imagine your garden as a new friend.  You start off tentatively getting to know one another.  Happy moments turn into beautiful days and soon enough you are greeting each other with gifts.  A little help from a friend is always welcome, but with this relationship it seems all the gifts you give just pale in comparison to the gifts that are so generously given back.  You see how potent this is, and more then a little entranced, you start to give all that you can afford; your time, your love, your thoughtfulness, but your new friend just gives ever more, ever more, and always with astonishingly benevolent humility and grace.    Any remaining doubts and uncertainties vanish, replaced by genuine interactions that always leave you feeling so lucky, so well loved, and nurtured to your very soul. 
To put it’ in Minnesota terms, That’s a keeper!  Darn near anybody would want a relationship like that.  But the question is, do we all get to have this kind of experience?
Despite the handy fact that every bit of our food is ultimately sourced from a farm, a garden, or a natural environment, for some folks, falling in love with the landscape might as well be a few lifetimes away. 
So, it would seem that while not every soul is blessed with this capacity to love a garden, we could all learn a thing or two from those who do.  Sarah Greenfield is one of these lucky, loving gardeners who help inform the world.  Talking with Sarah I always learn so much from her that improves my own gardening hobbies. 
Sarah’s the kind of gardener that shines a little bit when she’s showing off her sprouted seeds.  I think that shine must come from the warmth in her heart that she feels for her garden space.  Click below to learn more about Sarah’s gardens and the food, flowers, and love that grows in them!  CLICK HERE to read The Seed #37, In Love With The Garden

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